MODEL Y デュアルレートローダウンスプリングセット

Price: ¥94,900

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車高を下げることなく、ローダウンスプリングの快適性とハンドリング性能を得ることができます。 デュアルモーターLRやパフォーマンスをノーマル車高に近づけ、乗り心地とハンドリングを向上させます。

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Tesla Model Y Performance
Tesla Model Y Dual Motor
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WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information, go to






当社独自のデュアルレートロワリングスプリングは、車高を下げたいユーザーにとって、快適性と性能を両立させた最高のパッケージです。 しかし、誰もが車高の低い車を望んでいるわけではありません。悪天候や悪路走行の環境下にあるお客様からの強い要望を受けて、 同じような性能と乗り心地を保ちながら、車高を下げないスプリングを開発しました。また、高度なエンジニアリングと研究により、究極のModel Yスプリング技術を生み出しました。私たちが製造するすべてのスプリングは、2つの異なるリニアスプリングレート構造に設計されています。これにより、快適性の向上(スプリングレート1)とハンドリングの向上(スプリングレート2)を実現しました。

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Tesla Model Yのノーマル車高と同じ高さに設計。


セカンダリーレートを硬めに設定することで、バンプストップが効きにくくなり、段差でのゴツゴツ感やショックなど底付き感を低減。 小さなバンプから大きなバンプまで、どのような速度域でも乗り心地が向上します。



Is this a linear or a progressive spring?
Neither. It is a third category. The dual rate nature of this product is a direct descendant to motorsports “stacked’ spring setups. A stacked spring is two linear springs of differing spring rates and lengths that are stacked together with a predetermined location for a transition point between spring rates. This strategy employed on high end motorsports suspensions provides predictable results yet allows advanced tuning of handling characteristics by using two independent linear spring rates. The dual rate spring we offer is of equivalent concept. It employs two specifically engineered linear spring rates with a specifically located transition point between the two rates. Therefore, it is more linear spring than progressive spring in nature, yet is a third category.
Will Tesla warranty non-Tesla parts such as these springs?
We warranty our spring kit with our lifetime product warranty. Tesla’s warranty covers their products but Tesla does not keep inventory or purchase non Tesla products for warranty repair, they only warranty what they manufacture.
Will Tesla void my warranty if I install aftermarket parts?
A vehicle’s comprehensive warranty as a whole may not be voided due to use of aftermarket parts per the Magnusson-Moss Warranty Act ( However, a manufacturer may require a customer to pay for parts and labor for a repair if there is direct causation between a customer’s alteration and the product or service repair being requested. It is in both manufacturer and customer’s interest to follow logic and reason so that the system of good faith is not abused. If this topic interests you please read the law as well as your warranty documentation. Ultimately we are Tesla owners and enthusiasts, we are not lawyers and cannot provide legal advice.
Will the longevity of my shocks be impacted by these springs?
Shock life on a vehicle depends on many variables such as driving prolonged periods of time on unpaved surfaces in rural routes, high performance driving on winding roads, motorsports use, and/or other high impact situations. These springs do not appreciably change the ride height of the vehicle and we do not believe there is a chance that they can change the performance or life expectancy of the stock shocks in any way.
I would like to read your terms & conditions
The link is conveniently found across our entire website at the bottom. The link is also here for your review:
TESLA、TESLA MOTORS、およびTESLA ROADSTER、MODEL S、MODEL 3、MODEL X、MODEL Y、および「TESLA」、「T」ロゴデザインを含むすべての関連ブランド、マーク、および知的財産は、米国およびその他の国における商標または登録商標です。Unplugged PerformanceとTesla Motorsとの間に公式の関係はありません。

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